Concrete Block Specialists

We supply a full range of dense Concrete Blocks suitable for a wide variety of applications; Ideal for high strength load-bearing walls with good thermal mass, high levels of fire resistance and sound insulation.

Sizes Available

18 x 9 x 2.5 7n – 440mm x 215mm x 65mm

18 x 4 x 4 7n – 440mm x 100mm x 100mm

18 x 6 x 4 7n & 10n – 440mm x 140mm x 100mm

18 x 9 x 4 7n & 10n – 440mm x 215mm x 100mm

18 x 9 x 6 7n & 10n – 440mm x 215mm x150mm

18 x 12 x 4  7n & 10n – 440mm x 300mm x 100mm

14 x 12 x 4 7n – 350mm x 300mm x 100mm

Dog leg blocks (Various sizes)

* Concrete bricks are available *

Getting a quote could not be simple than giving our office a call on 028 92 648 600 or by using our online quote via our website

We will get back to you as soon as possible!